• -€78.00
Chlorinator BSV SMART Basic 15 g/h + pH regulator Seko Dinamik + Dolphin Carrera 20

Chlorinator BSV SMART Basic 15 g/h + pH regulator Seko Dinamik + Dolphin Carrera 20

ref: 01EQCSPHLF10

The pack includes:

  • Salt chlorinator BSV SMart Basic 15
    production: 15 g/h
  • PH regulator Seko Dinamik
  • Cleaner Dolphin Carrera 20
    cleaning of bottom and walls
€1,488.00 -€78.00
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Items: 1
Total price: €1,410.00

Technical characteristics

Salt chlorinator BSV Smart Basic 15

what is a salt chlorinator for?

It is very simple, the function of salt chlorinators is to automatically and effectively disinfect the pool water by a process called "salt electrolysis".

Salt electrolysis is a simple principle: the pool water is slightly salty. By electrolysis, through the cell, the salt is transformed into gaseous chlorine, a powerful disinfectant that dissolves instantly in the water.

All this results in the destruction of the microorganisms in the cell and provides the pool with the correct level of free chlorine.

The idea of installing a salt chlorinator in the swimming pool is to save us worries and to gain in comfort.

El clorador salino desinfecta de manera automática y efectiva el agua de la piscina sin necesidad de producto químico. Beneficios de la cloración salina. Solo necesita sal. Evita irritaciones. No más producto químico. Reducción del mantenimiento.

Benefits of salt chlorination

  • forget about chlorine! We only add salt to the pool water.
  • Concentration similar to that of a tear.
  • We avoid the use and handling of chemical products.
  • Elimination of skin and eye irritations.
  • Elimination of chlorine odor.
  • It does not damage hair or bathing clothes.
  • Generates a cleaner environment in the pool.
  • Reduction of pool maintenance.
  • Compatibility with any type of installation.
  • Better balance of water parameters in the pool (with the help of pH and redox regulators).

Features of the salt chlorinator BSV Smart Basic 15

Célula autolimpiable con 15 g/h de producción de cloro.


Self-cleaning cell with a production of 15 g/h.

Protección IP65 de estanqueidad al agua, gases y vapores corrosivos.

IP65 protection

Sealing protection against water, corrosive gases and vapors.

Display digital. Carcasa inclinada diseñada para una mejor visualización.

Digital display

Front display designed for a better visualization of the information.

Desconexión automática. Por falta de flujo, acumulación de gas, sobrecarga, cortocircuito y sobretemperatura.

Automatic disconnection

For lack of flow, gas accumulation, overload, short circuit and overtemperature.

PH regulating pump Seko Dinamik


  • Flow rate of 1.5 l/h
  • PH measuring range: 6 to 8 (sensitivity of 0.1)
  • One calibration point: pH7
  • BNC connector for pH electrode
  • Included:
    - pH electrode
    - pH7 calibration solution
    - installation kit
Sostenibilidad, ahorro, mayor rendimiento y menos consumo eléctrico.
  • Lower power consumption.
  • Lower working temperature.
  • Higher chlorination performance by working with the latest generation of switched-mode power supplies.
  • Internal microprocessor control to determine the hours of operation.
  • Works with a very low voltage, less than 7.5 V.
  • No electrical risk for bathers.

Sustainability and savings

  • Allows the pool water to be conserved for a longer period of time.
  • The salt remains in the process and is transformed. This saves on the purchase of chemical products.
  • Environmentally friendly system.


The salt chlorinator BSV Smart Basic has 3 years warranty.

If you need more information about this equipment or any other salt chlorinator BSV, do not hesitate to contact us.

Robot pool cleaner Dolphin Carrera 20, only at Quimipool!

Maytronics electric pool cleaners offer advanced cleaning technology, long-lasting performance and easy maintenance.

The Dolphin Carrera 20 cleaner provides reliable, convenient and cost-effective pool cleaning. Its reliable filtration method in all pool conditions and active brushing on all surfaces optimizes pool hygiene.

why buy an electric pool cleaner Dolphin?

sAVE EFFORT! SAVE TIME! Electric pool cleaners are totally independent and easy to use. The only concern will be to throw it into the pool and pick it up to clean the filter once it has finished its cleaning cycle. With this pool cleaner Dolphin, enjoy a cleaner and easier to maintain pool. In addition, with this type of pool cleaner, no water is wasted and no sand filter washes are necessary.

El limpiafondos Dolphin Carrera 20 proporciona una limpieza fiable, cómoda y rentable para de la piscina. Su fiable método de filtración en cualquier condición de la piscina y el cepillado activo en toda superficie, optimizan la higiene de la piscina. El sistema de escaneo utiliza un avanzado software de navegación. Gracias a él el robot realiza un preciso escaneo del tamaño de su piscina, lo que garantiza una cobertura óptima y una limpieza eficiente.

Clever Clean

The scanning system uses advanced navigation software. Thanks to it, the robot performs an accurate scan of the size of your pool, ensuring optimal coverage and efficient cleaning.

Cuenta con un cepillo activo que garantiza la mejor limpieza de su piscina. Este cepillo activo delantero gira al doble de velocidad que el motor, lo que garantiza una limpieza activa capaz de eliminar algas y bacterias.

Active cleaning

It has an active brush that ensures the best cleaning of your pool. This active front brush rotates at twice the speed of the motor, ensuring an active cleaning capable of removing algae and bacteria.

El robot Dolphin Carrera cuenta con una fuente de alimentación de bajo consumo y fácil uso: tan solo hay que pulsar un botón para poner el limpiafondos en marcha.

Plug & Play power supply

The Dolphin Carrera robot has a low power consumption and easy to use power supply: just press a button to start the cleaner.

Cesta con paneles de filtración primavera (60μ) que destaca por su enorme poder de filtración. El acceso superior facilita el acceso rápido y sencillo a los filtros para su vaciado y limpieza con la máxima comodidad.

Easy-Clean basket

Basket with spring filtration panels (60μ) that stands out for its enormous filtration power. The top access facilitates quick and easy access to the filters for emptying and cleaning with maximum comfort.

La longitud del cable del Carrera 20 es de 15 metros. Esta longitud de cable es la recomendada para piscinas enterradas o desmontables que tengan unas dimensiones hasta 10 metros de largo.

Cable length

The cable length of the Carrera 20 is 15 meters. This cable length is recommended for in-ground or removable pools up to 10 meters long.

Está especialmente diseñado para la limpieza de fondo y paredes de piscinas.
NOTA: Si el ángulo de su piscina entre el fondo y las paredes es de 90º, por favor, contacte con nosotros para asesorarle.

Cleaning type

It is specially designed for cleaning the bottom and walls of pools.

NOTE: If the angle of your pool between the bottom and the walls is 90º, please contact us for advice.

Ciclo de limpieza de 2 horas, tiempo más que suficiente para llevar a cabo una limpieza eficiente de cualquier tipo de piscina. Tanto el fondo como las paredes.

Cleaning cycle

Cleaning cycle of 2 hours, more than enough time to carry out an efficient cleaning of any type of pool. Both the bottom and the walls.

Todos los limpiafondos de la gama Carrera cuentan con un sistema de liberación rápida de agua. Gracias a esto se facilita la extracción y la manipulación del robot dentro y fuera del agua.

Water release

All Carrera pool cleaners are equipped with a quick water release system. This facilitates the extraction and handling of the robot in and out of the water.

Con sus solo 6,5 kg de peso, el limpiafondos Dolphin Carrera 20 es uno de los menos pesados de su rango. Esto, sumado a su diseño ergonómico, permite que pueda transportarlo y manejarlo de forma cómoda.

Ergonomic design

Weighing only 6.5 kg, the Dolphin Carrera 20 pool cleaner is one of the lightest in its range. This, coupled with its ergonomic design, makes it easy to transport and handle.

Servicio Posventa Oficial para resolver cualquier duda sobre el funcionamiento del robot, con reparaciones prioritarias que incluyen recogida y entrega en domicilio.

Dolphin Premium Service

Official After-Sales Service to solve any doubt about the operation of the robot, with priority repairs including home pick-up and delivery.


The DOLPHIN CARRERA 20 pool cleaner comes with a 2-year warranty.

* The correct operation of the equipment can not be guaranteed both in the bottom and in the rise of walls as long as the pH level is not correct, there is algae or the filters are clogged by excess dust, and has not been previously made a total cleaning of the pool. No pool cleaner will perform a proper cleaning of steps and benches.

* The cleaning of right angles and corners cannot be 100% guaranteed due to the complexity of access to these areas. In liner pools, 100% cleaning cannot be guaranteed in the overlaps of the liner itself.

If you need more information about this equipment or any other pool cleaner Dolphin, do not hesitate to contact us.

Data Sheet

gr/hour CL
15-19 g/hour