Customer Service


As an entity adhered to CONFIANZA ONLINE and under the terms of its Code of Ethics, in case of disputes relating to recruitment and online advertising, data protection, protection of minors and accessibility, the user can go to the out-of-court dispute resolution system of CONFIANZA ONLINE (

From we put at the disposal of the users a complete service of attention to the client, so much through telephone, mail or live chat.

In any case, we reserve the right to record the conversations made through the telephone and the chat in order to guarantee the security of the users, as well as the best provision of the customer service.

Whenever we do so, we will request the prior consent of the end user, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy and Organic Law 15/1999 on Data Protection.


Spanish law shall be applicable to any dispute or question concerning our website or any of those that depend on it.

These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law. The parties submit, at their choice, for the resolution of conflicts and renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user's domicile in Spain. Also, as an entity adhered to CONFIANZA ONLINE and under the terms of its Code of Ethics, in case of disputes relating to recruitment and online advertising, data protection, protection of minors and accessibility, the user can go to the out-of-court dispute resolution system of CONFIANZA ONLINE (, embodied in the Jury of Advertising and the National Consumer Arbitration Board.

To file complaints about the use of our services, please send an e-mail to or write to the following address:

Quimipool Piscinas y Jardines, S.L.
Pol. Ind. Bertola, nave 31
11408 Jerez de la Frontera
Espa ña